“ We focuss on core beliefs and the unmet emotional needs during childhood and early adolescence ”

A schema provides the basis by which you relate to the events you are experiencing. It is a psychotherapy that focuses on core beliefs and the unmet emotional needs during childhood and early adolescence, exploring how they transfer in adult relationships.

It draws on the cognitive-behavioral, attachment, psychodynamic, and emotion-focused theories. The goal of the therapy is to reorganize your inner structure replacing dysfunctional perceptions to healthier ones.

People with a combination of mental health problems, long-term psychiatric problems including personality disorders, chronic depression, chronic anxiety and chronic relationship difficulties.

It clarifies inner connections and perceptions about yourself, others and the World. It empowers you to better understand why you feel and think in certain ways, the relationships you establish and why you keep repeating patterns of events that do not serve you any good.

It supports people who are more complex and do not respond well to the standard cognitive behavioural methods such as having a structured session with an agenda of topics and homework.

Call  +30 694 915 9078 to talk and arrange your appointment.