Γνωστική Συμπεριφορική Θεραπεία - Θεραπευτικές Στρατηγικές - Ψυχολόγος

“ Οur thoughts and images influence the way we feel, the way we behave and how our body reacts to a situation ”

CBT is based on the theory that our thoughts and images influence the way we feel, the way we behave and how our body reacts to a situation. Using techniques in a dedicated manner will teach you skills to change your thoughts and behaviors that can lead to improvement of your mood, daily functioning, relationships with others and your sense of well-being.

People with a range of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, as well as people suffering with chronic physical problems such as chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, diabetes, osteoarthritis etc.

This is a therapy to highly produce change. Depending on the
problem an average of 12-15 weekly sessions is recommended and you will see results
quicker than expected and stay healthy in the long run.

Call  +30 694 915 9078 to talk and arrange your appointment.